Welcome to At Home With Tricia’s Baskets

My name is Patricia Logan, and I want to personally welcome you to my blog called At Home with Tricia’s Baskets.  I want to tell you what At Home with Tricia's Baskets is all about, the history, and its vision for the future.  Thank you for visiting this blog and I hope you find the information helpful and enjoyable.
First of all, At Home with Tricia's Baskets started out as a company sells Longaberger® products, under the name Tricia’s Baskets.  I started 18 years ago on October 8, 2001, and at the time, I was a marketing major.  The only thing I wanted to do at the time was to find an internship where I can hone marketing skills.  Every interview I went on was a bust.  Either the internship ended up as a non-paid position or if it was a paid position that the company who I interviewed with wanted me as their first choice but lost a bid or two and could not afford me.  I was upset, to say the least.  I came up with this idea to have my own internship and the first thing that came to mind was a direct selling company, but which one?  There were so many to choose from.  Not only that, I check with the school, and they really did not like the idea, because you need a supervisor to sign off on some of your assignments.  I explained that an upline person or sponsoring person is like that supervisor and they said OK.  I want to let you know that I choice Longaberger for the products.

The Blog Name Creation

How the name Tricia’s Baskets came about was 8 years ago, I needed a name for fundraisers and other events.  I thought, my nickname is Tricia and I sell baskets (well I sell more than baskets, I sell a lifestyle), so the name stuck.  I recently change the name to include the words, “At Home with”, because of the current state the company is in, and well, people do not decorate with just Longaberger products and they do not use only Longaberger products in organizing and entertaining as well.

My vision for Tricia’s Baskets and its readers? 

Well, I love to see a person, especially a woman to feel good about herself and her home.  I want to quote Oprah Winfrey who once said, “A home has to rise up to greet you.”  At first, I did not understand that quote, but I looked into it a little further, and now I fully understand.  She basically said that your home has to make you feel like you want to live there.  It does not matter how big it is, or how much money you put into decorating it or making it like your own.   Unless you have built your home from the ground up, you are living in a home that was once owned by someone else, and unless you do something to it, it will always feel like someone else’s home. I want to teach you about how your home can “rise up and greet you” through posts that talk about organization, decoration, decorating with products (including Longaberger)
If you have any questions, please shoot a comment, or email me at plogan721@att.net.

Again, thank you for visiting my blog and take a look around and enjoy.

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